Monday, 11 October 2010


I know I didn't post mn zmaan bs someone really close to me died w I was nt in the mood to do anything I'm really sorry. The girls on msn I'm srry b3d I dnt sign in it's just mknt abyy aklm 7d I'm really srry;*.

Its M;* BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Monday, 21 June 2010

Sooooorrry (A)

Okayy im veeeryy veeeeryy srryy :$$
ammm im thinking of stopping writting or go private
w u decide :) ... Ithaa m7d commenteed theen bye bye blogger it was a nice metting new people :)

Its M

F stopped :(

Friday, 14 May 2010


srryy mn zmaaan i didnt post bs i was reallyy busy inshalla itha f'9yt this week their is a post
bs abyyy comments :(

Its M

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

U must read

Okii so i was thinking (oh i have a brain (A))
whyy dont i atklm m3a the people that read my story so add as

btw i just knew ina annonymus couldnt comment (A) i took it off

Friday, 5 March 2010




Thursday, 4 March 2010


Heeeeeeeyy, guysss it's me F ! Lol 
I knoo yoo miss me much , bs shinswi nseeit about this sorry, and I wuz busy shwai 2nsh'3lt haha (A) -im actually kidding-  , I wuz bored much! 
Omg guys I really miss yoo, and to be honest cuz I'm always honest hehe , I really don't remember were I stoped oo 3yzana a8rah ;$ .. Soooowhh umm .. I'll read it later oo I'll continue with the storyy! ^-^ < Aww look wat a cute face lol i made it up bss adree it's old oo kel 7d ysweeh Bss Ana twni 2ktshftah (AA) .. Anywaays mabee atflsf wayed :$ 
Love yooo wayed and sorryy! 
I'm "F" latnsoon , as known as FAJIR. ;D

Monday, 15 February 2010

two Girls Inlove Part 25

srry i was busy m8drt anzla =$ bs btsm7ooone lanna ilyoom 3eed meeelady =Pp
This post goes to Mahooya, F, toomy, Maryoom itha la7een t8rayn loool and last but not least my couzn M ;) =Pp


Previosly :

I took bath changed and went to sleep maybe after 30 mints I felt my phone viberate under my pillow so i answered it without looking at the caller

Me : aloo ( with a sleepy voice )
....... : srry nayma


When I herred his voice I sat up straight

Me : la3dy bs b8yt shy
S3ood : bs w7shteenii adrii bt8oolen shno w7shtk w mdrii wsho bs wallah mob 8a3d akthb
Me : 5l9t klmk
S3ood : shfeech
Me : shfeenii ts2lnii shfeenii 97, so2l int 3ndk 8alb wla la2 int ashloon atswy Che shklee Ana il 8beeya ily kint a9d8 w7d 78eer mthlk yla bye

I closed the line I started crying I wasn't crying about the breakup I was crying 3la nfsy 3la ily 9aar fenii w ily 9r fe fajer. Things happen to u and u don't expect them I never thought this will happen between fajer and naif I allways thought they will be together but look what happend

I texted S3ood

To S3ood :
Inta mnta il insaas ily 7byta inta insaan thany

I called Fahad I told him to come to my room bs my5ly 3bdallah w Maha e7soon ab shy he came to me.

Fahad : shfeeech
Me : ma mafeenii shy ( i allways loved Fahad bs I couldn't be with him he was one of my friendz bf that's why I went to s3ood no one knew these also fajer that's why I stoped talking to him when he went to America I kind of loved S3ood bs I didn't love him like Fahad m7d 3rfny kthra)
Fahad : tklmy lt5leenii azn6ch
Me : ammm S3ood at9l
Fahad : rdyty
Me : yes
Fahad : laish rdyty ( he got mad )
Me : ( I told him what happend ) inzin w b3diin 6rshtla this message ( I should him the message )
Fahad : maryoom 2mshy nanzl t7t
Me : okii bs babdl w bnzl
Fahad : okii bn6rch 3nd il dry
Me : okii

He went I changed I wore my blue juicy traksuite and I went to the stairs I found Fahad sitting on the steps and talking on the phone so I didn't talk I was waiiting for him to finsh his call he ended the call and we went down.

We had chai 7leb m3a 3bood w mahooy then we went out to walk when we came bk everyone left to sleep accept for me I stayed up Lana twnii mn shwy 8ayma.

So I went to my room took my bb and iPod I switched on my iPod w 76yta 3la shuffle the first song that came out was wayn aymk (Luv these song)

R7t amshy 3la il seef then I went out of the shalih 3la il ymeen mafy shliiht w 3la il ysr there is so r7t il ymeeen I went and I was chatting with some friendz on the bb I called one of my friendz asmha layal she's not q6rya she's s3oodya

Me : allooo
Layal : halla maryoom kifk
Me : b5air inty
Layal : tmaam Allah eslmk
Me : shtsweeen
Layal : wallah wla shy bs on the Internet watching a movie
Me : looool ya Hal movies u don't stop watching them
Layal : amm Laaa2 6b3n
Me : hhhhh layool
Layal : halla
Me : S3ood brokeup with me
Layal : omg 7lfy why
Me : (I told her what happend and she's the only one who knows about Fahad)
Layal : he's such an ass
Me : a9ln I don't care u know me I put friendz and family first and I think I will be better without him
Layal : hhhh hes an ass to leave a pretty girl like u
Me : yaaah I know
Layal : hhhhhh a7bk kteer
Me : walah Ana akthr
Layal : inzin maryoom sh5br
Me : wlah tmaaam layool I found your soul mate
Layal : swear waiina
Me : hhhhh come to do7a on the weekend I will show u
Layal : hhhhh marioom okii Im comming bs 3la shr6
Me : 2mry
Layal : u come bk with me
Me : layool okii
Layal : yaaay what r u doing
Me : walking on the beach
Layal : 7lfy yl bitcha u didn't tell me to come earlier
Me : hhhh Im going bk a7een
( tmayna insolf tell I got bk then skrt w I went inside and changed and went to bed I sleept)

I woke up the next mornning and changed w went down and found 3bdallah maha and Fahad ytry8oon

I went and sat infront of 3bood next to S3ood

Fahad : il slaam lallah
Me : oh 97 il slaaam 3likm

They started laughing 3lay

3bdallah : shbtswoon ilyoom
Me : Ana lazm ard il do7a bacher layool btjy
3bdallah : meeen layool
Me : shd3wa nsyt.ha my friend il s3odya
3bdallah : oh layool mn zmaaan 3nha
Me : ee ams klmt.ha 8ltly btjy bacher Fahad mt.thkr layal
Fahad : laa2 which one
Me : il 6weeela '93eefa kila hyper
Fahad : eee ily d3mt il tree fil zr3 bil b6b6a
Me : hhhhhh yes
Maha : shloon
Me : nst waiin il break dsht fil shyra bs m9r feeha shy il 7meedllah
Maha : hhhh I want to meet her
Me : a9ln u r comming with me ;) and we r going to stay fee hotel m3ha
Fahad and 3bdallah : shnoo
Me and Maha : shno shno
3bdallah : ashoof m5theeen r7tkm m7d yst2thn wla shy
Maha : Fahad a5ooy 7beeby
3bdallah : tra Ana a'3r
Me : fdaiit il '3ayooor Ana a5ooy
Maha : a7m a7m
Me and Fahad : hhhhhhhh
Maha : 3bood 7beeby Ana baroo7 m3ha okii
3bdallah : 6b3n 7beebty
Me : Mahooii yla let's go
Fahad : wallah 7aaala
Me : Fahood Allah e5sk b5th a5tk
Fahad : hhhhhh b8ra 7laaalch yba ltrj3eeenha
Me : okii wlah m3ndy a5t b5thha looool
Fahad : hhhh okii bs mahoii s2ly Rashood
Me : mn rashid
Fahad : laiish rzt il face a5oii
Me : Zain Zain Ana awreeek yl 5ra
Fahad : hhhhhh
Maha : int klma plz
Fahad : okii
Me : yla a7na bnroo7 mahoii a5thy yur things w meet me at the car 3bood keys
3bdallah : shnoo keys
Me : y3nii aroo7 b7mr
3bdallah : oho hach

I took the keys for the range and went to my room to change and a5th my thing w I wore my 3bya and went down and went to the car found maha I unlocked it we got in and went bk home when we arrived we found 2mii w 2boii fil 9ala

Me : Salam
2boii : 3laikm il slam

I ran to 2boii and hugged him

2mii : maryoom mn hal 7elwa 2ly m3ch
Me : we nsyt yma hathy Maha rfeejty

Maha went to 2mii w slmt 3lyha

2boii : sh5brch Maha
Maha : (with a shy voice) b5air
2boii : dooom Maryoom yl chalba laish r7ty il shlaih
Me : hehehe 3shn u miss me
2boii : hhhhhh I miss u bdoon shy
Me : yba ( Maha Kant atsolf m3 2mii)
2boii : halla 7beebty
Me : b7jz shaliih fee shr8 78 sboo3 3shn w7da mn rb3ii jaya mn il s3oodya
2boii : inzin 83doo fil shaliih
Me : int btroo7 bkra il 5mes w trd bintk il w7eeeda
2boii : Ana a8dr ardch bcher b7wlch ( I kissed his forehead and excaused my self and took mahoii with me)

We went up I changed and wore my dark blue jeans and polo t-shirt and 5lyt maha at76lee make up we went to Maha'z house bdlt 76t her make up and we went to shar8 w 7jzna lna shaliih then we went to villgeo.

I got a message

From S3ood :
I need u but I can't be with u and u will allways be in my heart

Reply :
Mdaam b3dk 8smty mny 3la Allah m3tr'9 ... S3ood 5l9 ur going to get married give ur wife ur love I won't sit and wait for yu so go 5l9 forget me if u love me

From S3ood :
Inshalla b7wl

To S3ood :

I gave Maha the phone and told her to read

Maha : omg
Me : i know

I sat on a banch and Mahoii came and sat next to me I was trying not cry then I was good again so I got up and continued walking we went to 9oob il market bs mknii fee shy 7eloo so we went around

وين أيامك والله ناقصني سلامك
والله واحشني كلامك .. وأيامي بعدك حزينه

I took out my phone

3nood is calling

Me : aloo
Fajer : aloo (with a realy sad voice)
Me : fajer
Fajer : maryoom btzwj btzwj (She started crying)
Me : aby ashoofch
Fajer : ma8dr 5aled my5leenii
Me: 6l3y m3a 3anood 8oolela btbrzeen 78 il 3rs
Fajer : ba7wl (she started crying) maryam I miss u wallah
Me : wallah Ana akthr layal is comming to Qatar
Fajer : 7..7lfy
Me : wallah
Fajer : 8oolelha atm lain 3rsy abykm ats3doonii
Me : inshallah
Fajer : Anna lazm askr a5f 5aled ayay
Me : okii bye

Maha : 56ree fe pasta mn yam yam tree
Me : okii

We went wala it was full of guyz so we went and w8fna we were chatting when someone tapped on my bk I turend it was 3woosh my couzn lamyt.ha

Me : wainch yl863a
3aisha : kint abeech u miss me
Me : hhhh 3ayl u acheived 3woosh hathy maha il flanii Maha hathy 3woosh bint 3mty (slmoo 3la b3'9)
Me : shtsween ahny
3awoosh : m3 rayly jayna ant8da
Me : waiiina mn zmaaan maml8t 3layh
3awoosh : hhhhh awl mshfch 8aly ltroo7en atslmeen bt.thb7nii
Me : hhhhhh
3awoosh : yla bil 3fya m3slma
Me and Maha : Allah e3feech m3slama (3woosh went we took our orders and we went and sat we ate 5l9na then we went for shopping Maha thoo8ha was really 7eloo when we finshed r7na w9lt maha bait.hom w Ana r7t il bait I sat m3 the family shwii then r7t foo8 I took a shower and changed and went to sleep 8mt 3la 9alat il m8aarb I changed 76ait my makeup wore my heels and my mini dress and went to Mahas house cause she wants me to meet some of her friendz

Calling Maha :

Maha : aloo
Me : hala mahoy Ana bar3 ast7y adsh abroo7y (she came out to me)

Slmt 3lyha then we went inside slmt 3la her friendz I knew 3 of them knoo 7 83dna ansolf then at midnight I went bk home and sleept.

Kan S3ood msknii w ana kint aby a5leeh ehdny I want to get to fahad bs I couldn't then 7awlt w 7wlt then he let go of me and I ran to Fahad and he hugged me.

Me : bismallah a3ooth bilah mn il shi6n il rjeeem

It was just a dream chykt my mobile Kant il s3a 5 il 9b7 so I went to pray then I went back to sleep

3bdallah : MARYOOOOM (next to my ears)
Me : YMA 5r3tny yl kalb
3bdallah : Ana kalb yl klba hay Zain mny am8wmch lnch t5rty 3la layool
Me : a7lf il s3a km
3bdallah : 2
Me : abyh a7een lazm aroo7 a6l3 br3 w thnk u
3bdallah : hhhh anytime

I changed absr3a wore my flats and went to pick up Mahoii then we went to il m6r I found Layool sitting in costa

Me : heloo heloo
Layal : wee Zain t.thkrteeenii
Me : hhhh srryy
Layal : chub
Me : loool inzin layool this is maha maha this is layal inzin shd3wa tra I miss u mafee hug
Layal : laa2 bs 78 maha 3shn next time u don't forrget (she got up and hugged w kissed mahoii )
Me : yla Maha 5l hathy ahnee 5l t5th taxi wtroo7 Ana she dosent hug me

Lafyt w mshyt layool hugged me from the bk

Layal : awnk z3lna
Me : chub wallah myswa 3ly nmt shwy
Layal : hhhhh 5l9 5l9 (She kissed my cheeks)
Maha : wallah ankm cute
Layal : hhhh ee bs hathe waiid tz3l
Me : maha Ana waiid az3l
Maha : mdre
Layal : hhhhhh weeeeew

We went to the car layal sat in the passenger set w maha Kant tbii t83d warra we were chatting b3diin 3bood called maha

Maha : aloo ... Inzin b76k speaker (76ta speaker)
3bdallah : a5ty
Me : hhhh n3m
3bdallah : t3lee il bait shwaaay fee w7da tbeeech
Me : meeen
3bdallah : ma8alt
Me : okii 3ayl

We went bk home dshyt il bait with Layal and Maha

Omg =O

(A9eeeeeeer nthla w aw8f wla laaa2 ;) hhhhhhhhhh feee nas bythb7ooooonii hhhhhh fdytny wallah =Pp )


Everyone was there nasyt it was my b'day

Layal : Happy b-day yl 7elwa (she hugged me I hugged her bk)
Me : I hate u

3bdallah : kil sna wnty 6ayba yl 7elwa (I ran to 3bood and hugged him)
Me : I luv u wnta 6ayb

M7md (3boodz friend) : Maryooom
Me : 7mooood
Layal : who's this hottie (9a9rtny)
Me : hhhhh this is the guy I wantted u to meet ... 7mood
M7md : halla (he came to me)
Kil sna winty 6ayba
Me : wnta 6ayb .. 7mood this is my friend layool I told u about ily sh59yt.ha nafsk
M7md : (shaked hands with layool) tshrfna
Layal : il shrf ly wallah
Me : have fun (I went to 3bdallah)

3bdallah : Maryoom laykoon nwya t83deeen ab Hal thyb
Me : w 9iij baro7 abdl w b5th Maha m3y abyha ats3dny
3bdallah : hhh okii my9eer in8ool laa2 to the b-day girl

We went to my room when I opened the door there was this really beautiful long purple dress I took it and wore it it was really hot I went out of the toilet

Maha : u look amizing
Me : tslmeen

I went and hugged her then she told me to sit she curled my hair and put my make up we went down I was looking for 3bood but he wasn't there they told me to go out when I went out only to see 3bood standding with a purple bentlay

Me : omg ( I was going to cry )
3bdallah : shrych
Me : i luv u ( I ran to him and hugged him 7ayl )
3bdallah : hhhhh I luv u more baby sis .... 9abrii m5l9t fee shy thany
Me : omg what ( everyone came out they were looking at us )

3bood went to maha and told her to come stand next to me

Me : yla 3bood what else
3bdallah : wait this is really hard ... Maha I have been with u for 5 years--
Me : 5
3bdallah : inty chub shwy ... I want to speend all my life with u will u merry me
Me : tabeeny ajwb bdallha yes ( I was jummping mn il fr7a)
3bdallah : bthb7ch tra
Maha : I luv u2 bs itha tthb7 marioom I will say no
Me : weeeeeeew
3bdallah : laaa2 5l9 5l9 mob thb7ha srry yl 3nz
Me : klalooooooosh ( ma3rf bs yla :p )
3bdallah : this is the best day of my life
Me : omg Im going to cry o5oy ily kila kint a'9n Betm m3y mbytzwj
Maha : hhhhhhh maryooom kna Ana ily lazm i cry
Me : chna bs 9bry I wanna be a drama qween kna 56ry amthl mn zmaan bs 3bood m5lnee
3bdallah : Maha itha msktat theee bthb7ha w can u give my yur hand
( he took out a cartier ring and put it on her finger )

She hugged 3bdallah. He picked her up and he was twirling everyone was clapping

3bdallah : A7BIIIIIIIIICH ( he screamed)

I went and hugged maha I was crying with her it was happy tears I went and hugged 3bdallah

Me : 3bood ur the best and I think srry I don't think I know that maha desirves u
3bdallah : tslmeeen yl7elwa ee btw fee 7d ynrch d5l
Me : wayn
3bdallah : il mayls

I went and opened the door

Me : OMG ( I was screaming I ran to her and hugged her) Fajoor
Fajir : heheheh I miss u yal 5bla
Me : me more wallah I been throw hell bdoonch
Fajir : 3rsy is after a month
Me : it's okii babe I know m7md and he's a great guy
Fajir : inshalla but what will I tell him
Me : tell him the truth tell him everything he will understand

She hugged me w I became all emoitional and started crying she cried with me

Me : omg my make up
F : hhhhh

We went out of the majlis I told fajir iny baroo7 foo8 w barj3 i went up took my phone I switched it on lana 9rla yoom kaml amskr I had bbm'z from everyone wishing me a happy b-day.

Calling M7md

M7md : alo
Me : halla m7md
M7md : ahlain sh5brch
Me : tmaam can u make it to my house a7een
M7md : okii m3ndy shy
Me : bye
M7md : wait m8lteeely laish
Me : I fajoor 3ndy bye

I closed the line and ran down stairs I looked for fajoor when I saw her I sat with her and told her what happend

Me : w Hal 7ya u never know what will happen till it happens
Fajir : yah for sure ( M7md came in he came to me and fajoor he closed her eyes with his hands )
M7md : meen
Fajir : Marioom meen hay
Me : hhhh mdry
M7md : msr3 ma nsyteeny
Fajir : marioom yl klba

I got up and went I left them allone and went to 3bood and Maha

Me : hi
3bood : heloo inzin tra at night fee 7fla thnya fee W hotel
Me : omg =O a7lf
3bood : hhhhh wallah y3nii I will invite a7een il girls bs
Me : looool 5la mix tkfa
3bood : a8ool chub
Me : uff inzin yalah
3bood : Allah e3een ( he went to the dj guy took the mice)

3bdallah : happy Birthday baby sis w kil sna wnty 6yba w mabrook to me :D heheheh today is the best day ever Marioom kbrt w ( He started screaming) IM GOING TO MERRY MY BABY MAHOOYA

Everyone was cheering and laughing

3bdallah : all the girls tra u r invited to a party it starts at 7:30 in W hotel so everyone go get ready

Every girl rushed out and went the guys were laughing

3bdallah : yla Mariom and her friendz 2mii 7zjtlkm malt il 9alon b3dshwy btje

We all went up I was sitting with fajer

Me : fajoor 5l9 u will get married
Fajer : yes a7s m7md is great
Me : yes he is :p
Fajer : I will try to forget n.. Naif ( I hugged her then a woman came in )
Me : Layool Mahoii mn beswy sh3ra 8abl
Layal : Anna bdsh atsb7
Maha : okii 3ayl I will do it first

She went and sat on the chair I was chatting with fajoor w layool Kant atsb7 And Maha was doing her hair

5l9t layal and she came out when my mom came in

2mii : slam bant
Us : 3likm il slam
2mii : wain mrt wildy
Me : hhhhh akee she's doing her hair

2mii laft wayha

2mii : Maha
Me : looooool ( Maha Kant mst7ya =Pp)
Maha : halla 5alty ( with a low voice )
2mii : walah wldii 3rf y5tr
Fajer : eee chalb mtzwjnii
2mii : hhhh fajor inty ahnee ( Fajer ran to 2mii and hugged her 2mii really loves her )
Me : Anna bint il b6a il soda ily 7ta fee nas ma8loo lhm kil 3aam winty b5air
2mii : hhhhh laish 3eeed meldch
Me : ymaaa br3
2mii : hhhhh wla tz3leeen kil 3aaam winty b5air w 38bl mnshooofch 3roos
Me : inshalla

2mii r7t w tmyna ansolf kilna I told them I didn't know what to ware layol loves clothes so she went to 8rft il mlbs tmt ahnk shwy then she came with a short black dress fee can shwya gray mdrii shloon ashr7a =$

Layal : try these the tag is still on it
Me : okii

I took it and went in the bathroom changed and went out

Layal : sexy
Me : I know thanx ( it was tight in the right places)
Fajir : inzin I need a dress I can't go home
Layal : okii wait ( she went in)

She came bk with pink long dress it was really cute

وين أيامك والله ناقصني سلامك
والله واحشني كلامك .. وأيامي بعدك حزينه

Incomming M7md

Me : layoool come see who is calling
Layal : omg I will answer
Me : okii 8oolela Ana fil 7maam Ana baroo7 abdl w a36ee il 5dma tkwy ...
Layal : chub I want to answer
Me : z8 feech rdii

I went to fajer took her dress 3shn a36ee il 5dma w r7t abdl I took it and went down gave it to the 5dma and went bk up

Me : BACK ( If it's capital that means screaming deal)

Layool gave me a na'9ra Ina sktee shwy

Layal : ee ake maryoom jat tbeeha ....( She blushed) okii
Me : hay jwlee
Layal : ha ee (36tny the same n'9ra)
Me : hhhhh okii ana bdsh atsb7
Layal : thwny m7md .. fajoor dsht
Me : ahhha okii

I went and sat with Maha tmyt asolf m3ha then layool came

Me : heloo sh9r
Layal : looool m9r shy bs I gave him my bb pin (she winked)
Me and Maha : hhhhhhhh

Fajer came out wearing her rob okii she has half of her clothes here that's how close we r

Me : yla ana bdsh

I went took a shower came bk layool was doing her hair, fajer was doing her nails w Maha m7d

F... : maryooom
Me : halla
F... : which nail polish a76
Me : hot pink
F... : okii thnx
Me : np ana baroo7 ajeeb junk tboon redbull
F.. and L : yes pleez

I went down took my 3bya I found M aw 3bood 83deen fil 9la

Me : heloo
3bood : hi 3la wain
Me : il dkaan
3bood : laaa2 mfy roo7a 8ooly shtboon w ana bjeeba
Me : laaa2 ana aby aroo7
3bood : 8lt shy 5l9
Me : okii b6rshlk bbm w mahoii did u do yur nails
Maha : laa2 I don't want tslmeen
Me : oki np
3bood : yla Ana bw9l maha inty 6rsheely shtbeen
Me : okii bye

I went up to my room I sat with F and L we were chatting and laughing we finshed hair and nails at 6 so we got ready makeup and we wore our dresses and went to the car we drove to the W hotel we went in I asked the resiption where is the party she told I went It looked amizing I can't describe it.

5l9t il 7fla w on the way to the room kn 7jzeen 8rfa fil hotel i got a phone call from r8m 9reeb

Me : aloo
.... : Mariam il flanii
Me : ee n3am
.. : m3ch flan il flanii kint aby a8oolch ina s3ood twfa m3 il slma
and he closed

The end

I started reading a book called A Vintage Affair for Isabel Wolff did anyone read it ?
And happy B-day to Moi
Its M 6b3n =Pp

Tuesday, 9 February 2010


I wrote a really long post bs mkn ynzl i will try to post it today if i can (a) ;*** srry 6waaalt
Its M

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Two Girlz Inlove Part 24

This post Goes to M =Pp hope u enjoy cznoo

It's M 

Previosly :

I told them to go out so I can go to the toilet and change and I will go down to meet them they went and fahad stayed with me


I went and changed I wore my purple Juciy tracksuit and went out of the toilet 

Me : Fahood t3l s3dny m8dr amshy rsii edoor 
Fahad : okii 

He came and helped me walk I took my 3bya from the hanger and wore it and switched on my mobile 

5 miss calls from Naif 
7 bbm'z they were all broudcasts 

On the way to the car I called Naif 

Calling Naif 

Me : aloo 
Naif : halla 
Me : sh5brk 
Naif : b5air inzin maryooom asf 
Me : laish 
Naif : 3la ily swa S3ood 
Me : Naif inta malk sh8l w s3ood is in the past Im not the kind of girl that will kill for a guy so ynj3l
Naif : u know what I like about u is that u don't care I wish I was like u 
Me : laish a3wr rsii m3a nas my3rfoon 8emty 
Naif : maryooom Allah ewf8ch 
Me : ajm3eeen ... Inzin Naif atw83 ana amshy m3 meen a7eeen 
Naif : meen 
Me : Fahad 
Naif : 7lfy shlon shftee 
Me : (I made something up and told him 3shn shd3wa I say my bro'z gf is his sis )
Naif : inzin 36eeny aklma 
Me : okii ( I gave the phon to Fahad they were talking) 

We went to the car and we got in then Fahad closed the phone and give it to me when someone klmnii 3la bbm

....... : Maryooom barkeeelyyy 
Me : mabrook whyy 
.........: 56bt Fajoor bint 3mtch 
Me : a7lf 

( okii so do u want to know meeen mabii a8ool Looool ) 

It's M7md my seconed couzn and Fajours seconed couzn (hhhhhh ;) fdytny wallah ... Looool cznoo I think u know why hhhh) 

Me : oh mabrook 
M7md : Allah Ebrk fee 7ytch ;)  
Me : tra twnii adrii 
M7md : eee mknaa naby il kil e3rf bs a7eeen everyone knows 

Fahad : maryooom 
Me : ( i forgot about Fahod ) Ha
Fahad : meen 83da atklmeen 
Me : 7moood wild 3mii ahwa ily 56b fajoor 
Fahad : meeen M7md 
Me : he's a great guy i don't think u know him 
Fahad : Allah ewf8hm 
Me : inshllah 

We went to mac order and ate our food on the way when we arrived Mahoii and 3bood got jealouis thet we ate from mac and they didn't so 6rshoo il driver =Pp

Me : a5oii 3booood 
3bdallah : a5ty Maryoooom 
Me : 3bood b8oolk shy 
3bdallah : amshy namshy bar3 l3t chbdii mn da5l Maha w Fahad atjooon 
Maha and Fahad : Laaa2 mnbii 

We went out and went by the shore we were walking out 

We were catching up on staff when he asked me about what happend and I told him he got really mad about what 5alid did . Lana 5alid is my couzn w mkn lazm eswy Che then he allso got mad 3n salft s3ood 

3bdallah : inty laish m8lteely Ina inty atklmeen ha
Me : 3bood kint 5ayfa at39b 3lay 
3bdallah : laa2 i won't Lana adrii in everyone will fall inlove 1 day 

I hugged him I luv my brother 9iij ina we allways when I say allways I mean 24/7 fight bs fee times when we can understand each other 

Me : 3bdallah wallah u r the best brother ever 
3bdallah : and u r the best baby sis ever 

My eyes were burning from the tears a single tear came out then my brother saw my face 

3bdallah : maryoomy shfeech 
Me : a7s bil thnb lny m8ltlk 
3bdallah : baaby sis 3ady wallah 3ady 

He hugged me a8wa 

3bdallah : yla nrj3 il shaliih bs tw3deeny 8bl 
Me : aw3dk abwshoo 
3bdallah : Ina u forget 3n this guy and move on 
Me : aw3dk 

I kissed his cheeks and carried on walking we went bk to the shliih I was really tierd so i wanted to rest 3shn I can stay with them later 

I took bath changed and went to sleep maybe after 30 mints I felt my phone viberate under my pillow so i answered it without looking at the caller 

Me : aloo ( with a sleepy voice )
....... : srry nayma  

Hehehehehhe Im evil I know  
Weeeeeeeew 7ra to Someone :p 

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Two Girlz Inlove Part 23

Happy B-day ya7lwa Hal post lach Mahooya ;****  
Mahooya thnx for your help in writting it  ;** looool 
It's M 
Previosly :
I got my 3baya and went to her car I got in and we went to shalihm nzlna w dshyna r7t atjeeb her things mm 8rft.ha w nzlt t.th7k m3a a5ooha I stood up w lafyt rsii w t5ylw mn kaan w8f m3ha 


It was Fahad my best friend in skool I miss him he was allways there for me when ay 7d 8ly shy 8l6 3d tmyt sna aklma 38b ma t5rjt from school b3diin tfr8na ( hehehhehe a7skm btthb7oonii loooooooool ;***** )

Fahad : maryoooom    
Me : Fahood 

Maha knt a6l3na 

Maha : int shloon at3rfha 
Fahad : Kant m3y fee skool hathy mariam ily kila a8oolch 3nha ee mariooom shfeee rsch  
Maha : ohh 
Me : loool wala shy bs an8ma 3ly w kf5 rsii 7d il dry 
Fahad : mtshoofen shr sh5brich b3d 5l9 dshyt il jm3a w 863teeena 
Me : il shr myjeeek ltkthb int il sfrt tdrs br3 bs kil Ana 
Fahad : wallah shswii fil do7a 
Me : fdaaayt il do7a 
Fahad : eee 9ij sh5br Fajoor w il b8y 
Me : madrii  
Fahad : maryoom sh9r 
Me : wala shy 
Maha : Maryam shfeech 

I sat down they came and sat with me 

Fahad : Marioomy shfeech 

I was trying to hold myself but I couldn't I started crying Maha hugged me and they tried to comfort me. I told them everything I can really trust Fahad he was like my big bro 

Fahad : (with a shook face) kilsh mtw83t 5alood eswy che 

Me : Anna tw83t eswy akthr mn chee anna tw83t ythb7ha  
Maha : lahl drja he's closed minded 
Fahad : uff 
Me : 3dii we close this subject 
Fahad & Maha : 6b3n 
Maha : Maryoom yla anroo7 8bl ma 3bood yw9l 
Fahad : ee ee roo7y 78 7beeb il 8alb 
Me : fahood shft ashloon q6r 98eeera a5tk w a5ooii e7boon b3'9 
Fahad : ee wallah inzin intoo shloon atroo7on ahnk Hal 7za Ana bw9lkm 
Maha : yla mashyna 
Fahad : yla 

We got up and went to Fahad'z car I sat in the back set and Maha sat next to her brother we were chatting all the way there when we got their I told fahood ynzl Ina    ahwa 83d fil shaliih broo7a 

Fahad : okii 3d brj3 awl mayay 3bdallah 
Me : eee bshoof shloon 
Fahad : hhhhh ( we got in ) 

يدروب الحب صيحي و يدموع العين طيحي صرت من بعده جريحي و قلبي عن غيرك تسكر

My phone was ringing I took it out

Incomming S3ood 

Me : aloo 
S3ood : halla 7beebty shloonch 
Me : wallah a7sn mn 8bl 7beeby 

Fahad laaf wayha and he said 

Fahad : S3ood ( in a low voice ) 
Me : yes 
Fahad : 36eeny ayah 

S3ood : meen 8aa3da atklmeen 
Me : 7d mn il bshr
S3ood : w mn hay 
Me : do u wana talk with him
S3ood : yup 

I give Fahad the phone 

Fahad : aloo aloo .... Shd3w nasytny tra az3l chee .... Hhhh s3oodii .... Hhhhhhh oh zaiin 3rftny .... Sh5brk 

Tm esoolf m3ah Ana r7t w 83t asoolf m3 Maha 

Maha : oho mta btoo9l il 6ayra 
Me : hhhhh 3la il s3a 3 roo7y namy itha t3bna bw8thch itha at9l feenii 
Maha : okii bs m3rf waiin il 8rfa =$ 

I took her to the guest room up stairs and I went back to Fahad 

Me : yla shd3wa I won't my phone back =Pp 
Fahad : n6ry shwy 
Me : okii okii bsr3a 

Fahad : yla S3ood hak Maryam 

Me : aloo
S3ood : Maryam Ana lazm a8oolch shy 
Me : 8ool tklm 
S3ood : 2mii 7lft 3lay iny lazm atzwj bint 3mii lna hathy kant w9eeta 8bl ma emoot 
Me : inzin Allah ewf8k bye 

I ran to Fahad and hugged him 7ayl he hugged me back I was crying like there is no tommrow I felt really safe in he's arms 

Me : la-ish kila ee-99rly chee lai-sh ana
Fahad : t3wthy mn blees maryoom lt3wreeen rsch 3la 7d myswa 
Me : ahwa ydry bily Ana fee laish ezeed 3laay 
Fahad : lna ansan 78eeer w myfkr il fee nfsa amshy n83d 3la il b7r a7tj a8looch shy 
Me : okii 

We went to the b7r and sat on the sand 

Fahad : tdreeen 3n il bint ily klmtch w 8alt lach anha 56eebt s3ood 
Me : ee int shloon tdry 
Fahad : Lana ahya 9iij 56eebta hay bint 3ma ahwa hawsha w chee ahya tdry ina ahwa l3b w t.thkreeen mra yoom at.hwshyn m3y fee skool yoom a8oolch Ina S3ood kan e5oonch 
Me : asfa walah asfa 
Fahad : 3dii adrii Ina at7beena w 6b3n u will belive him not me 

I was trying to hold my tears back bs I couldn't 76yt ydy on my face w I started crying 

Fahad : maryaam lt97eeen hal 78eer myst.hl dm3a tnzl mn 3aynch 
Me : mo - mob 8-3da aa-9ee-7 3-3shna 

I got up I wanted to go away. Away from everything. But I couldn't I blacked out.

I woke up only to find my self in the hospital I heard voices it's 3boods voice 

Me : 3bdallah 
3bdallah : Maryam ( he came raning to my bedside) feech shy at7seen abshy t3bna 
Maha : shwy shwy 3layha 
Me : hehehe laa2 mfeenii shy tra t3wt kil yoom a8oom a79l roo7y fil mstshfa 
3bdallah : yal klba my'97k at5r3eeny 3liich chee
Me : waiin fahad 
3bdallah : bs hay ily hmch r7 enady il docter
Me : ahha ( maha came and she held my hands ) 3bood tra bthb7k 
3bdallah : laiish 
Me : itha mtzwjt mahoii ( I looked up at her wyha 9r a7mr ) 
3bdallah : hhhhhh fdayt ily yst.7oon 
Me : tra ana mreee'9a y3nii lt3wr rsii get a room plz il mstshfa ahnee waiid feeha a8rf 
3bdallah : laa2 wallah ynt a5ty feech shy 7beebty (he touched my head) laa2 barda mafeeech shy bs shkly waiid 36ytch wayh 
Me : a9ln 8a9bn 3nk lt5leeny a7een a6l3k mn il 8rfa 
3bdallah : at7dch m3 Hal lfaf ily 3la rsch knch mn il btn ily ymshoon fil cornaish wl l7ya 7mra ( tm y'97k ahwa w maha ) 

Fahad and the docter came 

Docter : wallah ya Maryam shklna r7 inml mnch mdam kilyoom 3dna 
Me : hehehe wallah shswy a7b il mstshfa =Pp
Docter : hhhhhh inzin yla achyk 3liich 3shn itha inty okii b6l3ch 
Me : okii 

They went out only the Docter stayed he finshed his cheekup and he told me I can go and 3bdallah went with him to sign the papers with maha Fahad stayed with me 

Me : Fahad did u tell 3bdallah ash9r 
Fahad : ee I did w m8l shy bs 8al beeklmch w brby Hal 78eer 

3bdallah and Maha came in 

3bdallah : yla 8oomy 
Me : ufff okii

I told them to go out so I can go to the toilet and change and I will go down to meet them they went and fahad stayed with me


Srry itha fee any mistakes bs mchykt =$

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Two Girlz Inlove Part 22

Hi adry 8lt lazm 3 comments bs shswy I am bored twnii rada I was out with F and some friendz n7tfl fee her b-day 

I will tell u some wordz that F said when she was talking 5ltny a'97k 

Kant atklm 3n a girl 83da at8ool shloon sh6ra 9rt il at8ool ashr6t

B3diin when she was dropping me home il at8ool wla ana tz3lt I started laughing looooool F had so much fun with u and the girlz w 38bl il 1000000000000 and I told u that I am going to post it on blogger looool 

Ahd2 to F ;***** 


Previosly :

I ended the call 

Oh my god that was close 

S3ood : shfee wyhch ms3a an9f8 


Me : laaa2 bs il 7rs il thky ( and I told him what happend )
Naif : tra intoo waiid mz3jeeen mt5looon il wa7d enm 
Me : naioooof tra wallah a7na fil mstshfa mob hotel
Naif : wllah Ana mr7t 3shn nas bs ashooof myst.hloooon 
Me : laaa2 laaa2 srry 5l9
Naif : heheheh 

Me : Mta b6l3 mn il mstshfa 
S3ood : mdrii barooo7 as2l il docter 
Me : thnq 7beeby 
S3ood : anytime 3mry 

S3ood went w Ana tmyt m3 Naif came and sat next to me 

Naif : Maryooma 
Me : halla 
Naif : tra 7f'9y 3la s3ood wlah mr7 tl8yn 7d e7bch kthr w Ana mob 83d a8ool Che Lana he's my friend srry I mean a5oii laaa2 lna shoofii ash9rly Ana w F fajr
Me : naiooof Inshala walah I am srry 3la what happend 
Naif : mob 8l6tch a7na il m7sbna a7sb shy (he kissed my forehead) maryoomy tra inty mthl a5ty il 98eeera 8ltch mn 8lt.ha 
Me : ( kint shwy w9eee7) Naioooof everything will work out I promise u 

S3ood came and naif 8al 3nda sh8l w r7 

S3ood : 7beebty il doctor said Ina 3dy t6l3een a7een 
Me : okiii aby arooo7 il shaliih 
S3ood : ( kissed my cheeks) inshala 

R7 to do my papers 3shn a6l3 the docter said I need to rest and come every other day to change il lfaaf ily 3la my head

Kint t3bna m8dr amshy so dzooony bil Jary to s3oods car and I got into the pessenger set and s3ood came and we went bk to the shaliih he helped me to get down from the car and walk b3diin sm3t tlfoonii ern in my pocket I took it out 

يدروب الحب صيحي و يدموع العين طيحي صرت من بعده جريحي و قلبي عن غيرك تسكر

It was 3nood fajoors sis 

Incomming 3nood  

Me : aloo
3nood : halla maryam 
Me : ahlain sh5brch 
3nood : lazm ashoofch 
Me : Ana fil shaliih m8drt ast7ml ily sm3ta faa 8lt a7sn mkn il shaliih 
3nood : inzin Ana jaytch w 8oolii 78 naif wld 3mch eyaay 
Me : inshala m3 slma 
3nood : m3 slma 

We closed the line the I called Naif 

Calling Naif 

Naif : halla maryoooma 
Me : nayoof 3nood a5t fjr jay il shlaih a7een t8dr atjy 
Naif : ee aknii a7een jay yla bye 
Me : bye 

8lt 78 s3ood eeroo7 il supermarket our ay mkaan lain ma atroooo7 3nood he told me oki w Ina berd il bait y5thlh athyb w yrj3 

After 30 min 3nood came after a while came in Naif 

3nood : halla naif 
Naif : ahlain 
3nood : sh5brk 
Naif : shtw83aiiin a5brii 
3nood : naif Ana jayt Ahnee 3shn aklmk int w Mariam fee wa7ed t8dm 78 Fajr mn km sboo3 w 5alid  89bha atwf8 a7een 3shn ttzwj w mtklmk w maryoomy babe 5alid maan3 fajr inha atzoorch wla t6l3 m3ch bs Ana mn bain ftra w ftra b5leeha atklmch 
Me : tslmeen 7beebty ( I got up and went to hug her she's like my older sis ) 
3nood : maryooma 7beebty Ana mswyt shy inty a5ty il 98eeera w naif Ana adrii Ina fajr at7bk bs pleez ab3d 3n 6reeejha itha at7bha 
Naif : bs inty atw83aiiin hay il Shay s.hl 
3nood : wallah adrii ina mob s.hl bs shtswii ahya a7een btzwj fa lazm at5leeha wtha allah ktb lha Ina ttzwj 8ayrk plz lt5rb 7yt.ha 

Naif w8f and so as both and left 3nood 8mt 

3nood : ana lazm arooo7 a7een 
Me : m3 aslma lt863een ana malii 8ayrkm 
3nood : inshala 

She went I called s3ood and told him to come he came and I told him what happend then 3bood called me he told me byw9l il fair and he is comming stright to the shliih and 7beebta is comming to the shalih now to sit with me and meet me I told s3ood to leave wallah mskeen kilshwy ray7 w raad 38b n9 s3a Che w7da dsht 3lay 3rft inha 7beebat 3bood slmt 3lay w her name was Maha ( Mahoya this is for u looooool ) she was jmeeela mshalah 

Me : mn mta at3rfeeen 3bood  
Maha : wallah srly 2 years a3rfa 
Me : mshalah Allah y5leekm 78 b3'9 
Maha : ameeen 

Tmina ansolf art7tlha waiid b3diin s2ltny shfee rsii 

Maha : shfee rsch lfta 
Me : hehehehe laaa2 bs kint t3bna 6oool il yoom ams w 8ma 3lay w kf5 rsii il 7d 
Maha : weee mtshoofen shr 7beebty 
Me : il shr myjeeeech Mahooii btnmiin m3ii fil shliih okii 
Maha : amm m3ndy athyb 
Me : 8ooly 78 2mch a6rshlch 
Maha : laa2 shlyhna a8reeb baroo7 a5th thyby mn hnk atjeen m3ay 
Me : laiish laa2 d8ay8 bjeeb 3baty w bjeeech il syra 
Maha : okii bs tra a5oii ahnk 
Me : la 3dy

I got my 3baya and went to her car I got in and we went to shalihm nzlna w dshyna r7t atjeeb her things mm 8rft.ha w nzlt t.th7k m3a a5ooha I stood up w lafyt rsii w t5ylw mn kaan w8f m3ha 

Hehehehe 5l9 il post and the person u r think of it's not him ;)

If there are silent readers plz comment ;) 


Friday, 8 January 2010

Two Girls Inlove Part 21

happy new year waiid mt5ra 97 =Pp

okii so sayreeen mnktb waiiid bs shinswee busy jm3a w 7la soo srry w i am going to tell F to post bs shes busy i dont think she can these days

its 9 of january its her b-day so Happy b-day babe ;*** kil sna winty 6aiba w 38bl il 100000000000000

this post goes to M and sunset thnx for commenting babe ;** w bthkrch if what happend in this post inshala 

Its M 


okii this is to ethkrkm ash9r 

A girl told Mariam that she is engaged to S3ood so Mariam brokeup with him then s3ood went and talked to the girl who told her and she said that she loved that why she did that so Mariam wanted to think things over so she dropped the course and went with 3bdalah her brother and his friend m7md to Italy Mariam thought that she liked m7md but the truth was that she didn't she thought that just to forrget about s3ood when Mariam was in Italy m7md called her and told her Ina fajoor 7aml and the baby died so she must come bk so she went bk. 

So let's start with the post =Pp

Previosly : 

S3ood : 7beebty 5l9 mafy shy yst.hl dmoo3ch 
Me: i miss u wallah 
S3ood: wanna akthr yla nmshy 
Me : yes plz


We went to the shalih lama w9lna I called the 7ars and told him to open the gate and the lights for the shalih I got down from the car with s3ood we went in and I showed s3ood the place w I went to my room to put my things 76ait shn6t il mlbs w my handbag I took my iPod and phone and went down I saw s3ood sitting on the couch I went and sat next to him

S3ood : maryoomy laish u dropped the course
Me : mdrii I needed time allone 
S3ood : ahha r u a7sn a7een 
Me : .... 
S3ood : maryoomy shfeech

I told what happend in the hospital 

S3ood : mn 9ija hatha 
Me : 7beeby wallah esweha Ana a3rfa tra naïf ymkn eyay filayl btkoon mwjood 
S3ood : ee 6b3n lazm akoon mwjood mknt adrii bil slfa lazm aw8f m3h 

I hugged him tell I fell asleep hearing his heart beats 

I woke up and found my self in my room I went to the bathroom washed my face and went down to find s3ood and Naif eslfoon I went and sat next to s3ood 

S3ood : maryoomy lazm a8oolch shy 
Me : 5air 
S3ood : mob fajr t8dm laha w7d mn km sboo3 
Me : laaa2 madrii 
S3ood : fee w7d t8dm laha w a7een bezwjoonha lah
Me : shnoo naif 9iiij hl klaaam
Naif : lil asf 9iiij ... His face was emotional he looked sick tired 

I started crying
S3ood came and hugged me Naif went out of the house I need to go to him
I pushed s3oods hands and went behind him 

Me : NAIF NAIF plz t3aaaal 

Then I blacked out 

I woke up only to find my self Ina a white room I was in the hospital 

Me : ma may 

S3ood ran by my side and naif got me water Shrbt il may w 7wlt a83d 3dl bs rsii 3wrnii 

Me : a777 
S3ood : 7beebty lt7rkayn kf5ty rsch fee dary ily br3 yoom 67ty ( and he kissed my forehead) 
Naif : Ana baroo7 
Me : plz tm 6lbtk 
Naif : maryoom 3d 
Me : 3ad 
Naïf : oki oki 

S3ood helped me to sit 3dl then I heared my fon
 يدروب الحب صيحي و يدموع العين طيحي صرت من بعده جريحي و قلبي عن غيرك تسكر

S3ood gave me my fon and it was a wired number so I didn't answer and they called again so I picked up

Me : aloo
Unkown : a aloo
Me : mn m3aaai 
Unkown : annaaa 
Me : Fajrr 

Naif sat up straight : 36eeny aby aklmha 
Me : in6r 

F... : naif mwjood 
Me : eee 9iij il klm btzwjaaayn 
F... : e e 
Me : fajoor laish
F.... : 5aled a5ooy 5rb 7ayty 

she closed the line when I called bk it was closed

I started crying 

Naif : ashfeeha ash9iir maryooom t7chaaay 
Me : sniif sniff madry madry 9kt il 56 

The docter came he saw me crying he gave me mohd2t and I slept 

I woke up the next morrning and found s3ood sleeping on the chair next to me and he was holding my hands and naif was sleeping on the couch 
I wantend to take my mobile from the stand when I moved s3ood woke up 

S3ood : shfeech feech shy 
Me : laa2 laaa2 bs aby jawly aby aklm 3bdalah a5oii 
S3ood : okii 
He got my mobile for me and went to the bathroom I called 3bdallah 

3bdallah : aloo ( with a sleeping voice ) 
Me : 3bdallah 
3bood : maryoom shfeeech 
Me : rd il do7a I need u pleeez 
3bood : okii okii 

I need to tell him I know he will get mad at me bs 3bdallah he belives in love his more open minded then 5aled 

Me : okii a7tj a8oolk slfa lazm trd 3la the first flight 
3bdallah : okii I will tell 7moood y7jz 
Me: okii bye 
3bdallah : bye 

We ended the call and I cheeked my bb I had 

30 bbm
2 txt msg from 2mii 
And 6 miss calls 

Calling 2mii ;*** 

2mii : alooo 
Me : hala yma at9lty 
2mii : eee shfeech mtrdeeen 
Me : laa bs kint nayma 
2mii : 9iij 3ayl laish il 7rs e8ool inch 6l3ty mn ams w mrdyty 
Me : haa .. Ee Lana nmt fee shaliih w7da mn rb3ii tmlalt broo7ii 
2mii : ahha w laish fee wald fil shalih 
Me : (abyh bthb7 il 7rs ) ee a5ooha 3shn kaan mt5r il w8t 
2mii : ee Zain Zain yla t7mly m3 slama 
Me : Allah eslmch 

I ended the call 

Oh my god that was close 

S3ood : shfee wyhch ms3a an9f8 

Okiii t3bt wana aktb so enjoy ;***** 
Luv u
w comment plz I am not going to write the other part Ila lma I have 3 comments w m'9n Ina waiid so