srry i was busy m8drt anzla =$ bs btsm7ooone lanna ilyoom 3eed meeelady =Pp
This post goes to Mahooya, F, toomy, Maryoom itha la7een t8rayn loool and last but not least my couzn M ;) =Pp
Previosly :
I took bath changed and went to sleep maybe after 30 mints I felt my phone viberate under my pillow so i answered it without looking at the caller
Me : aloo ( with a sleepy voice )
....... : srry nayma
When I herred his voice I sat up straight
Me : la3dy bs b8yt shy
S3ood : bs w7shteenii adrii bt8oolen shno w7shtk w mdrii wsho bs wallah mob 8a3d akthb
Me : 5l9t klmk
S3ood : shfeech
Me : shfeenii ts2lnii shfeenii 97, so2l int 3ndk 8alb wla la2 int ashloon atswy Che shklee Ana il 8beeya ily kint a9d8 w7d 78eer mthlk yla bye
I closed the line I started crying I wasn't crying about the breakup I was crying 3la nfsy 3la ily 9aar fenii w ily 9r fe fajer. Things happen to u and u don't expect them I never thought this will happen between fajer and naif I allways thought they will be together but look what happend
I texted S3ood
To S3ood :
Inta mnta il insaas ily 7byta inta insaan thany
I called Fahad I told him to come to my room bs my5ly 3bdallah w Maha e7soon ab shy he came to me.
Fahad : shfeeech
Me : ma mafeenii shy ( i allways loved Fahad bs I couldn't be with him he was one of my friendz bf that's why I went to s3ood no one knew these also fajer that's why I stoped talking to him when he went to America I kind of loved S3ood bs I didn't love him like Fahad m7d 3rfny kthra)
Fahad : tklmy lt5leenii azn6ch
Me : ammm S3ood at9l
Fahad : rdyty
Me : yes
Fahad : laish rdyty ( he got mad )
Me : ( I told him what happend ) inzin w b3diin 6rshtla this message ( I should him the message )
Fahad : maryoom 2mshy nanzl t7t
Me : okii bs babdl w bnzl
Fahad : okii bn6rch 3nd il dry
Me : okii
He went I changed I wore my blue juicy traksuite and I went to the stairs I found Fahad sitting on the steps and talking on the phone so I didn't talk I was waiiting for him to finsh his call he ended the call and we went down.
We had chai 7leb m3a 3bood w mahooy then we went out to walk when we came bk everyone left to sleep accept for me I stayed up Lana twnii mn shwy 8ayma.
So I went to my room took my bb and iPod I switched on my iPod w 76yta 3la shuffle the first song that came out was wayn aymk (Luv these song)
R7t amshy 3la il seef then I went out of the shalih 3la il ymeen mafy shliiht w 3la il ysr there is so r7t il ymeeen I went and I was chatting with some friendz on the bb I called one of my friendz asmha layal she's not q6rya she's s3oodya
Me : allooo
Layal : halla maryoom kifk
Me : b5air inty
Layal : tmaam Allah eslmk
Me : shtsweeen
Layal : wallah wla shy bs on the Internet watching a movie
Me : looool ya Hal movies u don't stop watching them
Layal : amm Laaa2 6b3n
Me : hhhhh layool
Layal : halla
Me : S3ood brokeup with me
Layal : omg 7lfy why
Me : (I told her what happend and she's the only one who knows about Fahad)
Layal : he's such an ass
Me : a9ln I don't care u know me I put friendz and family first and I think I will be better without him
Layal : hhhh hes an ass to leave a pretty girl like u
Me : yaaah I know
Layal : hhhhhh a7bk kteer
Me : walah Ana akthr
Layal : inzin maryoom sh5br
Me : wlah tmaaam layool I found your soul mate
Layal : swear waiina
Me : hhhhh come to do7a on the weekend I will show u
Layal : hhhhh marioom okii Im comming bs 3la shr6
Me : 2mry
Layal : u come bk with me
Me : layool okii
Layal : yaaay what r u doing
Me : walking on the beach
Layal : 7lfy yl bitcha u didn't tell me to come earlier
Me : hhhh Im going bk a7een
( tmayna insolf tell I got bk then skrt w I went inside and changed and went to bed I sleept)
I woke up the next mornning and changed w went down and found 3bdallah maha and Fahad ytry8oon
I went and sat infront of 3bood next to S3ood
Fahad : il slaam lallah
Me : oh 97 il slaaam 3likm
They started laughing 3lay
3bdallah : shbtswoon ilyoom
Me : Ana lazm ard il do7a bacher layool btjy
3bdallah : meeen layool
Me : shd3wa nsyt.ha my friend il s3odya
3bdallah : oh layool mn zmaaan 3nha
Me : ee ams klmt.ha 8ltly btjy bacher Fahad mt.thkr layal
Fahad : laa2 which one
Me : il 6weeela '93eefa kila hyper
Fahad : eee ily d3mt il tree fil zr3 bil b6b6a
Me : hhhhhh yes
Maha : shloon
Me : nst waiin il break dsht fil shyra bs m9r feeha shy il 7meedllah
Maha : hhhh I want to meet her
Me : a9ln u r comming with me ;) and we r going to stay fee hotel m3ha
Fahad and 3bdallah : shnoo
Me and Maha : shno shno
3bdallah : ashoof m5theeen r7tkm m7d yst2thn wla shy
Maha : Fahad a5ooy 7beeby
3bdallah : tra Ana a'3r
Me : fdaiit il '3ayooor Ana a5ooy
Maha : a7m a7m
Me and Fahad : hhhhhhhh
Maha : 3bood 7beeby Ana baroo7 m3ha okii
3bdallah : 6b3n 7beebty
Me : Mahooii yla let's go
Fahad : wallah 7aaala
Me : Fahood Allah e5sk b5th a5tk
Fahad : hhhhhh b8ra 7laaalch yba ltrj3eeenha
Me : okii wlah m3ndy a5t b5thha looool
Fahad : hhhh okii bs mahoii s2ly Rashood
Me : mn rashid
Fahad : laiish rzt il face a5oii
Me : Zain Zain Ana awreeek yl 5ra
Fahad : hhhhhh
Maha : int klma plz
Fahad : okii
Me : yla a7na bnroo7 mahoii a5thy yur things w meet me at the car 3bood keys
3bdallah : shnoo keys
Me : y3nii aroo7 b7mr
3bdallah : oho hach
I took the keys for the range and went to my room to change and a5th my thing w I wore my 3bya and went down and went to the car found maha I unlocked it we got in and went bk home when we arrived we found 2mii w 2boii fil 9ala
Me : Salam
2boii : 3laikm il slam
I ran to 2boii and hugged him
2mii : maryoom mn hal 7elwa 2ly m3ch
Me : we nsyt yma hathy Maha rfeejty
Maha went to 2mii w slmt 3lyha
2boii : sh5brch Maha
Maha : (with a shy voice) b5air
2boii : dooom Maryoom yl chalba laish r7ty il shlaih
Me : hehehe 3shn u miss me
2boii : hhhhhh I miss u bdoon shy
Me : yba ( Maha Kant atsolf m3 2mii)
2boii : halla 7beebty
Me : b7jz shaliih fee shr8 78 sboo3 3shn w7da mn rb3ii jaya mn il s3oodya
2boii : inzin 83doo fil shaliih
Me : int btroo7 bkra il 5mes w trd bintk il w7eeeda
2boii : Ana a8dr ardch bcher b7wlch ( I kissed his forehead and excaused my self and took mahoii with me)
We went up I changed and wore my dark blue jeans and polo t-shirt and 5lyt maha at76lee make up we went to Maha'z house bdlt 76t her make up and we went to shar8 w 7jzna lna shaliih then we went to villgeo.
I got a message
From S3ood :
I need u but I can't be with u and u will allways be in my heart
Reply :
Mdaam b3dk 8smty mny 3la Allah m3tr'9 ... S3ood 5l9 ur going to get married give ur wife ur love I won't sit and wait for yu so go 5l9 forget me if u love me
From S3ood :
Inshalla b7wl
To S3ood :
I gave Maha the phone and told her to read
Maha : omg
Me : i know
I sat on a banch and Mahoii came and sat next to me I was trying not cry then I was good again so I got up and continued walking we went to 9oob il market bs mknii fee shy 7eloo so we went around
وين أيامك والله ناقصني سلامك
والله واحشني كلامك .. وأيامي بعدك حزينه
I took out my phone
3nood is calling
Me : aloo
Fajer : aloo (with a realy sad voice)
Me : fajer
Fajer : maryoom btzwj btzwj (She started crying)
Me : aby ashoofch
Fajer : ma8dr 5aled my5leenii
Me: 6l3y m3a 3anood 8oolela btbrzeen 78 il 3rs
Fajer : ba7wl (she started crying) maryam I miss u wallah
Me : wallah Ana akthr layal is comming to Qatar
Fajer : 7..7lfy
Me : wallah
Fajer : 8oolelha atm lain 3rsy abykm ats3doonii
Me : inshallah
Fajer : Anna lazm askr a5f 5aled ayay
Me : okii bye
Maha : 56ree fe pasta mn yam yam tree
Me : okii
We went wala it was full of guyz so we went and w8fna we were chatting when someone tapped on my bk I turend it was 3woosh my couzn lamyt.ha
Me : wainch yl863a
3aisha : kint abeech u miss me
Me : hhhh 3ayl u acheived 3woosh hathy maha il flanii Maha hathy 3woosh bint 3mty (slmoo 3la b3'9)
Me : shtsween ahny
3awoosh : m3 rayly jayna ant8da
Me : waiiina mn zmaaan maml8t 3layh
3awoosh : hhhhh awl mshfch 8aly ltroo7en atslmeen bt.thb7nii
Me : hhhhhh
3awoosh : yla bil 3fya m3slma
Me and Maha : Allah e3feech m3slama (3woosh went we took our orders and we went and sat we ate 5l9na then we went for shopping Maha thoo8ha was really 7eloo when we finshed r7na w9lt maha bait.hom w Ana r7t il bait I sat m3 the family shwii then r7t foo8 I took a shower and changed and went to sleep 8mt 3la 9alat il m8aarb I changed 76ait my makeup wore my heels and my mini dress and went to Mahas house cause she wants me to meet some of her friendz
Calling Maha :
Maha : aloo
Me : hala mahoy Ana bar3 ast7y adsh abroo7y (she came out to me)
Slmt 3lyha then we went inside slmt 3la her friendz I knew 3 of them knoo 7 83dna ansolf then at midnight I went bk home and sleept.
Kan S3ood msknii w ana kint aby a5leeh ehdny I want to get to fahad bs I couldn't then 7awlt w 7wlt then he let go of me and I ran to Fahad and he hugged me.
Me : bismallah a3ooth bilah mn il shi6n il rjeeem
It was just a dream chykt my mobile Kant il s3a 5 il 9b7 so I went to pray then I went back to sleep
3bdallah : MARYOOOOM (next to my ears)
Me : YMA 5r3tny yl kalb
3bdallah : Ana kalb yl klba hay Zain mny am8wmch lnch t5rty 3la layool
Me : a7lf il s3a km
3bdallah : 2
Me : abyh a7een lazm aroo7 a6l3 br3 w thnk u
3bdallah : hhhh anytime
I changed absr3a wore my flats and went to pick up Mahoii then we went to il m6r I found Layool sitting in costa
Me : heloo heloo
Layal : wee Zain t.thkrteeenii
Me : hhhh srryy
Layal : chub
Me : loool inzin layool this is maha maha this is layal inzin shd3wa tra I miss u mafee hug
Layal : laa2 bs 78 maha 3shn next time u don't forrget (she got up and hugged w kissed mahoii )
Me : yla Maha 5l hathy ahnee 5l t5th taxi wtroo7 Ana she dosent hug me
Lafyt w mshyt layool hugged me from the bk
Layal : awnk z3lna
Me : chub wallah myswa 3ly nmt shwy
Layal : hhhhh 5l9 5l9 (She kissed my cheeks)
Maha : wallah ankm cute
Layal : hhhh ee bs hathe waiid tz3l
Me : maha Ana waiid az3l
Maha : mdre
Layal : hhhhhh weeeeew
We went to the car layal sat in the passenger set w maha Kant tbii t83d warra we were chatting b3diin 3bood called maha
Maha : aloo ... Inzin b76k speaker (76ta speaker)
3bdallah : a5ty
Me : hhhh n3m
3bdallah : t3lee il bait shwaaay fee w7da tbeeech
Me : meeen
3bdallah : ma8alt
Me : okii 3ayl
We went bk home dshyt il bait with Layal and Maha
Omg =O
(A9eeeeeeer nthla w aw8f wla laaa2 ;) hhhhhhhhhh feee nas bythb7ooooonii hhhhhh fdytny wallah =Pp )
Everyone was there nasyt it was my b'day
Layal : Happy b-day yl 7elwa (she hugged me I hugged her bk)
Me : I hate u
3bdallah : kil sna wnty 6ayba yl 7elwa (I ran to 3bood and hugged him)
Me : I luv u wnta 6ayb
M7md (3boodz friend) : Maryooom
Me : 7mooood
Layal : who's this hottie (9a9rtny)
Me : hhhhh this is the guy I wantted u to meet ... 7mood
M7md : halla (he came to me)
Kil sna winty 6ayba
Me : wnta 6ayb .. 7mood this is my friend layool I told u about ily sh59yt.ha nafsk
M7md : (shaked hands with layool) tshrfna
Layal : il shrf ly wallah
Me : have fun (I went to 3bdallah)
3bdallah : Maryoom laykoon nwya t83deeen ab Hal thyb
Me : w 9iij baro7 abdl w b5th Maha m3y abyha ats3dny
3bdallah : hhh okii my9eer in8ool laa2 to the b-day girl
We went to my room when I opened the door there was this really beautiful long purple dress I took it and wore it it was really hot I went out of the toilet
Maha : u look amizing
Me : tslmeen
I went and hugged her then she told me to sit she curled my hair and put my make up we went down I was looking for 3bood but he wasn't there they told me to go out when I went out only to see 3bood standding with a purple bentlay
Me : omg ( I was going to cry )
3bdallah : shrych
Me : i luv u ( I ran to him and hugged him 7ayl )
3bdallah : hhhhh I luv u more baby sis .... 9abrii m5l9t fee shy thany
Me : omg what ( everyone came out they were looking at us )
3bood went to maha and told her to come stand next to me
Me : yla 3bood what else
3bdallah : wait this is really hard ... Maha I have been with u for 5 years--
Me : 5
3bdallah : inty chub shwy ... I want to speend all my life with u will u merry me
Me : tabeeny ajwb bdallha yes ( I was jummping mn il fr7a)
3bdallah : bthb7ch tra
Maha : I luv u2 bs itha tthb7 marioom I will say no
Me : weeeeeeew
3bdallah : laaa2 5l9 5l9 mob thb7ha srry yl 3nz
Me : klalooooooosh ( ma3rf bs yla :p )
3bdallah : this is the best day of my life
Me : omg Im going to cry o5oy ily kila kint a'9n Betm m3y mbytzwj
Maha : hhhhhhh maryooom kna Ana ily lazm i cry
Me : chna bs 9bry I wanna be a drama qween kna 56ry amthl mn zmaan bs 3bood m5lnee
3bdallah : Maha itha msktat theee bthb7ha w can u give my yur hand
( he took out a cartier ring and put it on her finger )
She hugged 3bdallah. He picked her up and he was twirling everyone was clapping
3bdallah : A7BIIIIIIIIICH ( he screamed)
I went and hugged maha I was crying with her it was happy tears I went and hugged 3bdallah
Me : 3bood ur the best and I think srry I don't think I know that maha desirves u
3bdallah : tslmeeen yl7elwa ee btw fee 7d ynrch d5l
Me : wayn
3bdallah : il mayls
I went and opened the door
Me : OMG ( I was screaming I ran to her and hugged her) Fajoor
Fajir : heheheh I miss u yal 5bla
Me : me more wallah I been throw hell bdoonch
Fajir : 3rsy is after a month
Me : it's okii babe I know m7md and he's a great guy
Fajir : inshalla but what will I tell him
Me : tell him the truth tell him everything he will understand
She hugged me w I became all emoitional and started crying she cried with me
Me : omg my make up
F : hhhhh
We went out of the majlis I told fajir iny baroo7 foo8 w barj3 i went up took my phone I switched it on lana 9rla yoom kaml amskr I had bbm'z from everyone wishing me a happy b-day.
Calling M7md
M7md : alo
Me : halla m7md
M7md : ahlain sh5brch
Me : tmaam can u make it to my house a7een
M7md : okii m3ndy shy
Me : bye
M7md : wait m8lteeely laish
Me : I fajoor 3ndy bye
I closed the line and ran down stairs I looked for fajoor when I saw her I sat with her and told her what happend
Me : w Hal 7ya u never know what will happen till it happens
Fajir : yah for sure ( M7md came in he came to me and fajoor he closed her eyes with his hands )
M7md : meen
Fajir : Marioom meen hay
Me : hhhh mdry
M7md : msr3 ma nsyteeny
Fajir : marioom yl klba
I got up and went I left them allone and went to 3bood and Maha
Me : hi
3bood : heloo inzin tra at night fee 7fla thnya fee W hotel
Me : omg =O a7lf
3bood : hhhhh wallah y3nii I will invite a7een il girls bs
Me : looool 5la mix tkfa
3bood : a8ool chub
Me : uff inzin yalah
3bood : Allah e3een ( he went to the dj guy took the mice)
3bdallah : happy Birthday baby sis w kil sna wnty 6yba w mabrook to me :D heheheh today is the best day ever Marioom kbrt w ( He started screaming) IM GOING TO MERRY MY BABY MAHOOYA
Everyone was cheering and laughing
3bdallah : all the girls tra u r invited to a party it starts at 7:30 in W hotel so everyone go get ready
Every girl rushed out and went the guys were laughing
3bdallah : yla Mariom and her friendz 2mii 7zjtlkm malt il 9alon b3dshwy btje
We all went up I was sitting with fajer
Me : fajoor 5l9 u will get married
Fajer : yes a7s m7md is great
Me : yes he is :p
Fajer : I will try to forget n.. Naif ( I hugged her then a woman came in )
Me : Layool Mahoii mn beswy sh3ra 8abl
Layal : Anna bdsh atsb7
Maha : okii 3ayl I will do it first
She went and sat on the chair I was chatting with fajoor w layool Kant atsb7 And Maha was doing her hair
5l9t layal and she came out when my mom came in
2mii : slam bant
Us : 3likm il slam
2mii : wain mrt wildy
Me : hhhhh akee she's doing her hair
2mii laft wayha
2mii : Maha
Me : looooool ( Maha Kant mst7ya =Pp)
Maha : halla 5alty ( with a low voice )
2mii : walah wldii 3rf y5tr
Fajer : eee chalb mtzwjnii
2mii : hhhh fajor inty ahnee ( Fajer ran to 2mii and hugged her 2mii really loves her )
Me : Anna bint il b6a il soda ily 7ta fee nas ma8loo lhm kil 3aam winty b5air
2mii : hhhhh laish 3eeed meldch
Me : ymaaa br3
2mii : hhhhh wla tz3leeen kil 3aaam winty b5air w 38bl mnshooofch 3roos
Me : inshalla
2mii r7t w tmyna ansolf kilna I told them I didn't know what to ware layol loves clothes so she went to 8rft il mlbs tmt ahnk shwy then she came with a short black dress fee can shwya gray mdrii shloon ashr7a =$
Layal : try these the tag is still on it
Me : okii
I took it and went in the bathroom changed and went out
Layal : sexy
Me : I know thanx ( it was tight in the right places)
Fajir : inzin I need a dress I can't go home
Layal : okii wait ( she went in)
She came bk with pink long dress it was really cute
وين أيامك والله ناقصني سلامك
والله واحشني كلامك .. وأيامي بعدك حزينه
Incomming M7md
Me : layoool come see who is calling
Layal : omg I will answer
Me : okii 8oolela Ana fil 7maam Ana baroo7 abdl w a36ee il 5dma tkwy ...
Layal : chub I want to answer
Me : z8 feech rdii
I went to fajer took her dress 3shn a36ee il 5dma w r7t abdl I took it and went down gave it to the 5dma and went bk up
Me : BACK ( If it's capital that means screaming deal)
Layool gave me a na'9ra Ina sktee shwy
Layal : ee ake maryoom jat tbeeha ....( She blushed) okii
Me : hay jwlee
Layal : ha ee (36tny the same n'9ra)
Me : hhhhh okii ana bdsh atsb7
Layal : thwny m7md .. fajoor dsht
Me : ahhha okii
I went and sat with Maha tmyt asolf m3ha then layool came
Me : heloo sh9r
Layal : looool m9r shy bs I gave him my bb pin (she winked)
Me and Maha : hhhhhhhh
Fajer came out wearing her rob okii she has half of her clothes here that's how close we r
Me : yla ana bdsh
I went took a shower came bk layool was doing her hair, fajer was doing her nails w Maha m7d
F... : maryooom
Me : halla
F... : which nail polish a76
Me : hot pink
F... : okii thnx
Me : np ana baroo7 ajeeb junk tboon redbull
F.. and L : yes pleez
I went down took my 3bya I found M aw 3bood 83deen fil 9la
Me : heloo
3bood : hi 3la wain
Me : il dkaan
3bood : laaa2 mfy roo7a 8ooly shtboon w ana bjeeba
Me : laaa2 ana aby aroo7
3bood : 8lt shy 5l9
Me : okii b6rshlk bbm w mahoii did u do yur nails
Maha : laa2 I don't want tslmeen
Me : oki np
3bood : yla Ana bw9l maha inty 6rsheely shtbeen
Me : okii bye
I went up to my room I sat with F and L we were chatting and laughing we finshed hair and nails at 6 so we got ready makeup and we wore our dresses and went to the car we drove to the W hotel we went in I asked the resiption where is the party she told I went It looked amizing I can't describe it.
5l9t il 7fla w on the way to the room kn 7jzeen 8rfa fil hotel i got a phone call from r8m 9reeb
Me : aloo
.... : Mariam il flanii
Me : ee n3am
.. : m3ch flan il flanii kint aby a8oolch ina s3ood twfa m3 il slma
and he closed
The end
I started reading a book called A Vintage Affair for Isabel Wolff did anyone read it ?
And happy B-day to Moi
Its M 6b3n =Pp
Monday, 15 February 2010
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Aww happy birthday hun! and let me know if it worth a read!
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ReplyDeleteM itha u didnt post bt96raaayn =Pp
ReplyDeleteNoura : Thnq (A)
ReplyDeleteinshalla i will post it with my next post
Qtr Luv : looool inshalla 3mty (A)